About QuickMeal

I am Praveen .This is my hobby project and an experiment to see how safe LLMs are for cooking recipes. So I could reduce food waste and save some time in kitchen.
My friend Chowta also found it useful and encouraged me to share it with others. So here we are.

some FAQ about QuickMeal.

Is this free to use?
Yes, running this does not cost me much and building this as hobby project was so much fun.

Why is it free?
I want to get user feedback on safety + quality of recipes so I can improve them plus also improve this app. So any feedback is welcome here.

Why name quickname.lol ?
Meal perp should be so easy that after cooking you should say lol it was so easy. Also .lol is memorable domain name.

PS - As like any other skills cooking takes time to learn and recipe is just one part of it. If you cook something using a recipe you got here and it turned out be bad, dont be mad at me. You will eventually develop intuitions to convert a bad reciepe also into a good dish.
Till then happy cooking.✌️